Unfortunately, his first play, El Maleficio de la Mariposa, was not successful; it was performed for only on day. Despite this, he continued to write and produce plays, such as Mariana Pineda and The Shoemaker’s Prodigious Wife. These plays dealt mostly with women, love, and death.
It was during the 1920s that Lorca achieved his greatest success as a poet. During this time, he published acollection of poems, Libro de Poemas. He also developed a fondness fort he Gypsy culture, which was reflected in a poem collection entitled Songs, and a book of verse called The Primer Romancero Gitano. Lorca also continued his interest in plays, and became co-director of La Barraca, a theater company that performed classical Spanish plays for free. During thisstint, he staged Blood Wedding, Yerma, and The House of Bernarda Alba. It was this “rural trilogy” that brought him international fame.
When the Spanish Civil War started, Lorca went back to Granada. However, his works were regarded as seditious, and were banned. Lorca himself was arrested by Nationalist soldiers and executed, without a trial, on August 19, 1936. It was only during the 1970s that his writings again became popular.